8th cycle of the Blueinvest Readiness Assistance program

The final, 8th Cycle of BlueInvest Readiness Assistance is now open for applications. This cycle will be the very last cycle of the BlueInvest Readiness Assistance, in the current BlueInvest edition. The application window closes on Friday, 30 July 2021. The BlueInvest Readiness Assistance is for high potential start-ups and SMEs withContinue Reading

Free electrons 2021

Free Electrons is an energy innovation program that has kicked off its 2021 edition by calling worldwide startups to submit their innovation proposals, the deadline is March 29. The platform enters its fifth edition backed by proven results over time in terms of pilots (+10M USD, and increasing), commercial rolloutsContinue Reading


Fuelsave is one of the projects that are being funded under the Blue economy window call (EMFF-BEW-2019). Shipping accounts for 2.5% of global GHG emissions which, under business-as-usual, will grow by 250% by 2050. With over half of today’s ships continuing to operate beyond 2030, retrofit solutions are urgently needed toContinue Reading

Esteyco's Elisa prototype

Esteyco, in collaboration with NREL (National Renewables Energy Laboratory), has been one of the awardees of the R&D call “Offshore Wind Solicitation 1.0. Round one: Enabling Large Scale Turbines (15 MW)”, from the National Offshore Wind Research&Development Consortium (U.S.). Esteyco presented a self-installing concrete gravity-base substructure sizing for a 15MWContinue Reading


The European Commission (EC) and the EIF (European Investment Fund) have been making available additional resources through initiatives under the EFSI (European Fund for Strategic Investments) Equity Instrument and InnovFin Equity to further support innovations in the fields of artificial intelligence, blockchain, space technology, impact investing and blue economy. TheContinue Reading


In line with the EU’s Green Deal, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) just launched two calls aimed at advancing clean, circular blue economy, preserving as well as protecting biodiversity and marine habitats. 1. EMFF-APC-2020 – Cross-sectoral development of innovative port clusters in the Atlantic: Developing a blue acceleratorContinue Reading