
Environmental concerns are influencing a greater need for renewable and sustainable energy across the world with specialist technologies being at the forefront of new designs and solutions. As maritime industries begin to tackle the climate change issues, ports and shipping companies are looking for carbon-free alternatives by testing potential solutionsContinue Reading

ocean waves Blue Bio Value business accelerator program

Blue Bio Value is a business program dedicated to the blue bioeconomy and they want you to be a part of it. They scale up marine biobased solutions to global market applications in different industries, resorting to science-based and biotech innovations, while helping to tackle important societal challenges. With theContinue Reading


In line with the EU’s Green Deal, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) just launched two calls aimed at advancing clean, circular blue economy, preserving as well as protecting biodiversity and marine habitats. 1. EMFF-APC-2020 – Cross-sectoral development of innovative port clusters in the Atlantic: Developing a blue acceleratorContinue Reading