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The World Ocean Council (WOC) – the lead GloFouling Project Partner for engaging the global ocean business and investment community – invites interested parties to the GloFouling webinar:
“Ecological Engineering of Marine Infrastructure for Biosecurity”
Date: 20 August 2020
Time: 9:00 am (BST)
Registration: https://www.glofouling.imo.org/webinar/11
The webinar is open to all participants without charge.
The webinars are part of the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project which is working to better understand and tackle the multi-sectoral challenge of biofouling and its impacts on marine biodiversity and the Sustainable Blue Economy.
Coastal populations around the world are rapidly increasing and will further increase in the future. The urbanization of coastal areas has resulted in modifications of the shoreline, with natural habitats being replaced by artificial structures. These artificial structures have a big impact on the surrounding environment and change the composition of the resident biota. Multifunctional ecological engineering designs seek to reduce the impact of artificial structures on the environment, while providing useful ecosystem services. The presentation will outline the results of a literature review and will explain a large-scale field experiment on the factors that influence the settlement of invasive aquatic species on marine infrastructure.
For more information, visit: