The unfortunate tale of a missed reef This series highlights recent maritime accidents, detail their causes and highlight how intelligent systems could help prevent future incidents. It is inspired by the fact that when I co-founded Shone, I learnt that most accidents happen due to human errors. Actually, studies show thatContinue Reading

WHAT PREVENTS SEABED MINING FROM BEING FULLY OPERATIONAL We are living in strange times: on the one hand, the fanciest global trend implies shifting to the ultimately eco-friendly “green” economy where fossil fuels are to be rejected. On the other hand, we keep destroying our planet with the predatory onshoreContinue Reading

d0bad0b0d0ba d180d0b0d181d0bad183d0bbd0b0d187d0b8d182d18c d0bdd0b5d0bfd182d183d0bdd0b0 Как раскулачить Нептуна

или почему “батарейный кризис” — экономическое кликушество Некоторые наивно полагают, будто Илон Маск чуть ли не в одно лицо изобрёл целую индустрию электроавтопрома. На самом деле объективные социо-экономические предпосылки (политическая лихорадка с нефтью, ужесточение экологических норм в связи с глобальным потеплением) сделали возможным то, что ещё лет 15–20 назад казалось каким-то бредомContinue Reading

How a small mistake in chart plotting can lead to a disaster This series highlights recent maritime accidents, detail their causes and highlight how intelligent systems could help prevent future incidents. It is inspired by the fact that when I co-founded Shone, I learnt that most accidents happen due to humanContinue Reading