problue annual report 2019 Photo by Markos Mant on Unsplash

Problue is a new Umbrella 2.0 program, housed at the World Bank, that supports the development of integrated, sustainable and healthy marine and coastal resources. Recently, they’ve published the Problue Annual Report 2019. The report summarises the financial information of the program in the different pillars it works at, asContinue Reading

newsletters of the blue bioeconomy forum Newsletters of the Blue Bioeconomy Forum

x Over the course of the Blue Bioeconomy Forum, the secretariat published a trimestrial newsletter. It provided information on the Forum’s activities, interviews with experts, reporting on innovative blue bio projects and policies across Europe. It also included a list of hot news and events. xContinue Reading

SSIA event SSIA Conference 2020

The SSIA (Scottish Seaweed Industry Association) is holding its annual conference in Oban, United Kingdom, on Tuesday 18th February 2020 followed by a day of workshops at SAMS on Wednesday 19th. To build on the success of its previous conferences, the directors of the SSIA have started to plan thisContinue Reading

BlueInvest Day Blue Invest Day 2020

BlueInvest Day 2020 will take place in Brussels, Belgium on February 4, 2020. The event will bring together innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, corporate and enablers in the Blue Economy, with the objective of generating concrete business opportunities and visibility for your business. Register now and connect with captains of industry, impactContinue Reading

Do you have an innovative project ? Are you the leader of a maritime sector business that is less than 8 years old ? Are you looking to develop your project or accelerate your business ?Continue Reading