canada helps its maritime startups

Three Nova Scotia-based organizations announced they are undertaking new projects to further the momentum in the ocean sector, bring new employment to the Greater Halifax area and strengthen Canada’s position as a global leader in sustainable ocean practices. The work undertaken by DeNova Inc., the Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship (COVE)Continue Reading


UNDP (United Nations Development Program) launches a new call to action— Ocean Innovation Challenge (OIC) to accelerate progress on SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) 14 targets. The OIC seeks innovations that are transferable, replicable and scalable. The Challenge grants range from $50,000 to $250,000. Recognizing the increasing urgency of tackling ocean pollution, particularly fromContinue Reading

BlueInvest Fund

The European Commission is partnering with the European Investment Fund, part of the European Investment Bank Group (EIB), to launch the BlueInvest Fund. During the BlueInvest Day conference in Brussels, EIB Vice-President Emma Navarro and Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, launched a €75 million equity investment fund for theContinue Reading


The BlueInvest Day website has published its programme. The day will open with a breakfast one would be invitation only, just for investors (VIP) and a networking breakfast for the rest of attendees. During the day, there will be investor and startup pitches. The startups will compete to get theContinue Reading

problue annual report 2019 Photo by Markos Mant on Unsplash

Problue is a new Umbrella 2.0 program, housed at the World Bank, that supports the development of integrated, sustainable and healthy marine and coastal resources. Recently, they’ve published the Problue Annual Report 2019. The report summarises the financial information of the program in the different pillars it works at, asContinue Reading


FORESEA (Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action) is an €11m Interreg North West Europe project. Its helps bring offshore renewable energy technologies to the market by providing free access to North-West Europe’s world-leading network of test centres. The EU-funded FORESEA programme has awarded recommendations for support to fiveContinue Reading